Inspection unit with rollers
The Allround Roller inspection tables are designed for round products. This table allows you to manually select and inspect your produce in comfort. The diameter of the rollers is 55 mm.
Platform (single and double)
As the inspection tables are not always placed at the right height, Allround offers platforms that allow the workers to stand at the most comfortable height. The platforms are made of a mild steel painted frame with a galvanized grid for grip.
Light strip
In order to get a better view of the produce.
Aisle in the middle
In order to discard the rejected produce, Allround offers the possibility to opt for an isle in the middle of the roller inspection table. Produce that is discarded in the isle, can fall into a box or on an optional waste transport belt.
Waste transport belt
Produce that is rejected, and discarded into the middle aisle, can be transported away by a waste transport belt.
If there is no possibility to opt for an isle, there is also the possibility to build chutes on which the rejected produce can be discarded.
Frequency inverter
An option Allround strongly recommends is to have a frequency inverter on the roller inspection table. With this frequency inverter, the speed of the machine can be adjusted, according to the needs at a specific time.